epilobium hirsutum การใช้
- This species is quite similar to " Epilobium hirsutum ", but the flowers are much smaller.
- Another, and more extensive, fen type is tall fen, dominated by common reed, " Phragmites australis ", and great willow herb, " Epilobium hirsutum ".
- Different plants are associated with this vegetation, increasing bodiversity to include species such as hemp agrimony " Eupatorium cannabinum ", purple loosestrife " Lythrum salicaria " and great hairy willowherb " Epilobium hirsutum ".
- The swamp area of the site has Lesser Pond-sedge " Carex acutiformis " as the dominant plant species, with other species such as Great Reedmace " Typha latifolia " and Great Willowherb " Epilobium hirsutum " found in the area.